Important Logistical Stuff
(like locations, directions, scheduling, and rates)
Places, Scheduling, and Rates
For detailed directions to my office, please click here.
For descriptions of and directions to other possible meeting locations, please click here.
For information on online scheduling, please click here.
Scroll down to the next section for information on rates.
- I do not take insurance. If you have insurance and are planning to use a superbill to submit for out of network reimbursement from your insurance company, my standard rate is $135/60 minutes. (More details on superbills at bottom of this page.)
- Self-pay rates (out of pocket without submitting to insurance for reimbursement) are based on a sliding scale that has a significant range–acknowledging the significant differences in resources present in our society. Please review this document– Rates and Sliding Scale –for more information on specific amounts and the reason for the sliding scale.
- Sometimes, nature based work can benefit from more time than the standard hour. If you are interested in a longer session, we can talk about an extension. Fee will be the standard rate over time. If this is a financially and logistically viable option for you, clients have found the extended time can allow them to go deeper in their healing and often to meet their goals sooner. Longer sessions are never required.
- Payment due at time of service, whether or not you will be submitting to your insurance company for reimbursement. Cash, check, credit card, and HSA card all accepted.

Out of Network Reimbursement
If you have insurance, you may be able to receive full or partial reimbursement for our sessions. I can provide a ‘superbill’ (basically, a receipt) after each session or monthly. You will submit this to your insurance company. If you plan to use this option, please contact your insurance company before we meet to get a full understanding of your specific policy’s procedures related to out of network reimbursement. I do not work directly with insurance companies and every policy is different. It is important for you to be fully informed about the following for your specific policy:
- Are mental health benefits included and, if so, how many sessions per year are covered?
- What percent of out of network mental health is covered?
- Do you have an out of network deductible and, if so, how much have you met so far?
- Do you have an out of network maximum?
- How do you submit claims for reimbursement?
More on Superbills
A superbill is simply a type of receipt that includes very basic information: your name, diagnosis, type of service, cost, date and length of session, and my professional licensing information. No specifics about treatment are included, although a diagnosis is required.