Play and Nature Based Therapy
I believe in bringing humor and play into all types of therapeutic work, and not just with kids! A person...
Nature Based Therapy: Science or woo-woo this ecotherapy thing for real or is it some hippie dippie nonsense invented so those of us that...
Bird Feeder TV
We just put out bird feeders a couple years ago, when we'd decided our geriatric cats were old and slow...
Counseling Outside of Four Walls
I was talking with a colleague the other day about a comment we (counselors) often hear from people who...
Nature as Co-Therapist
Research consistently finds that the single biggest contributor to growth and healing in a therapeutic...
Solitude and Togetherness in the Woods
Last week, a friend sent me a lovely Mary Oliver poem: How I Go to the Woods Ordinarily I go to the woods...
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Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, concerns, or to set up an appointment. I will get back to you within 24 hours. I look forward to hearing from you!