by Corie Washow | Feb 18, 2020 | Elemental Counseling
I believe in bringing humor and play into all types of therapeutic work, and not just with kids! A person engaged in play is deeply present in the moment, well regulated, and connecting to an experience of joy and safety that may be difficult to feel when they are...
by Corie Washow | Feb 18, 2020 | Elemental Counseling, How Does Ecotherapy Work?
So…is this ecotherapy thing for real or is it some hippie dippie nonsense invented so those of us that like to be outdoors can do so and get paid? Totally fair question. A few decades ago, I’m not sure I could have answered it in a way that could convince the...
by Corie Washow | Feb 18, 2020 | Nature Connection Practices
We just put out bird feeders a couple years ago, when we’d decided our geriatric cats were old and slow enough to be of very low risk to an intentionally dense and localized bird population. We put the feeders out on a whim, totally unaware of the countless...
by Corie Washow | Feb 18, 2020 | Elemental Counseling, How Does Ecotherapy Work?
I was talking with a colleague the other day about a comment we (counselors) often hear from people who don’t work in this field. So many times people say some version of, “Why would you want to spend all day listening to really sad stories?” I do understand at least...
by Corie Washow | Feb 18, 2020 | Elemental Counseling, How Does Ecotherapy Work?
Research consistently finds that the single biggest contributor to growth and healing in a therapeutic context is the relationship between therapist and client. This relationship is proven to be more important than anything else–modalities, techniques, skills...